First author publications
1. Relaxation of weakly collisional plasma: continuous spectra, Landau eigenmodes, and transition from the collisionless to the fluid limit Uddipan Banik, Amitava Bhattacharjee Submitted in Physical Review X arXiv:2402.07992
2. A Comprehensive Perturbative Formalism for Phase Mixing in Perturbed Disks. II. Phase Spirals in an Inhomogeneous Disk Galaxy with a Non-responsive Dark Matter Halo Uddipan Banik, Frank C. van den Bosch, Martin D. Weinberg The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 952, Number 1, 65, July 18, 2023. arXiv:2303.00034
3. A Comprehensive Perturbative Formalism for Phase Mixing in Perturbed Disks. I. Phase Spirals in an Infinite, Isothermal Slab Uddipan Banik, Martin D. Weinberg, Frank C. van den Bosch The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 935, Number 2, 135, August 23, 2022. arXiv:2208.05038
4. Dynamical Friction, Buoyancy and Core-Stalling. I. A Nonperturbative Orbit-based Analysis Uddipan Banik, Frank C. van den Bosch The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 926, Number 2, 215, February 25, 2022. arXiv: 2112.06944
5. A Self-consistent, Time-dependent Treatment of Dynamical Friction: New Insights Regarding Core stalling and Dynamical Buoyancy Uddipan Banik, Frank C. van den Bosch The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 912, Number 1, 43, May 3, 2021 arXiv: 2103.05004
6. A fully general, non-perturbative treatment of impulsive heating Uddipan Banik, Frank C. van den Bosch Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 502, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 1441–1455. arXiv: 2010.06632
7. Constraining the mass density of free-floating black holes using razor-thin lensing arcs Uddipan Banik, Frank C. van den Bosch, Michael Tremmel, Anupreeta More, Giulia Despali, Surhud More, Simona Vegetti, John P McKean Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 483, Issue 2, February 2019, Pages 1558–1573 arXiv: 1811.00637
8. Self-gravitating fluid systems and galactic dark matter Uddipan Banik, Dipanjan Dey, Kaushik Bhattacharya, Tapobrata Sarkar General Relativity and Gravitation 49, Article number: 116 (2017) arXiv: 1606.0787
Co-authored publications
1. Exact results in Floquet coin toss for driven integrable models Utso Bhattacharya, Somnath Maity, Uddipan Banik, Amit Dutta Physical Review B 97, 184308 - Published 25 May 2018 arXiv: 1705.03662
Publications in preparation
1. Dynamical Friction, Buoyancy and Core-stalling. II. Bifurcation of Lagrange Points
Uddipan Banik, Frank C. van den Bosch